As someone who spends a majority of their days in the clouds, I believe this is something I could speak on credibly. :) Nothing brings me more joy than savoring the little things and doing everything with love. If any of these musings bring you a bit more happiness, then this post has served its purpose. Enjoy.
Lean into what makes you yourself
I think in all this focus on self-improvement, we often forget that what we consider to be our "flaws" or eccentricity are actually part of our charm. If I were defined for my affinity for sleeping in until 11, eating chocolate for breakfast, spending 75% of my time alone, or the odd things I have to say, then that's okay. Why don't we stop thinking about everything so much and really learn to love these qualities about ourselves? We don't love our favorite characters because they're perfect. We can be adored for who we are.
Find a book that you actually enjoy - don't try to force yourself into a book that's hard to understand or get through because then that makes reading unenjoyable, and then you just won't do it. It can be cheesy or borderline embarrassing - who cares? Just read something that makes you want to pick it up. This is the best brain food and portal to different worlds. ♡
Delete social media (!!!)
Every time someone asks me how I did it, there's nothing I can say except that I just got tired of living in a one-track minded fog. I was addicted to waiting for a notification and I had no self-control. When I finally deleted the culprit of my dissatisfaction, I began to find genuine joy in real life. I find now that the beautiful simplicity of real life is a comfort and it becomes more vivid every day. You become completely present in all that you do: you listen more deeply, you constantly see beauty all around you, and you engage curiously in all of your senses like you're only a few years old again. I love to study the veins in leafs, I literally stop to smell the flowers, I watch the trees and clouds move in the wind, etc. If there is one thing I could advise to anyone, it is this. You can even use an app called ClearSpace to minimize your time on certain apps. Make the good things easy, and the bad things hard. :)
Bedtime routine
Having a bedtime routine that helps you settle in not only feels good, but is so good for your sleep schedule and overall health. I love to start with a non-caffeinated herbal tea or chamomile tea to signal to my body that it can rest now and to also really lean into that aromatherapy. I also put my screens away and dim the lighting as much as possible, lighting a candle or turning on a night light. I take a bath or shower, take my supplements, do some stretches (this helps with better sleep), set my alarm clock, turn on my noise machine, and read a book until I fall asleep. Ambience is essential :)
Keep meaningful trinkets in your bag
I love to keep a few little goodies in my bag, just because. I keep a fan, a beautiful pocket mirror with pearls that my best friend gave me, a book or my journal, and an evil eye pendant that my sweet friend from my time in Sweden gifted me before we went home. I love to feel like I carry little pieces of love with me wherever I go, which these remind me of.
Wearing clothes that makes you feel good
When you feel confident and look good, you also feel good. I am personally drawn to clothing and jewelry that is comfortable and cozy yet still looks polished and shows just a bit of effort still. There is no secret formula to look good; it's about how it makes YOU feel. Wear what makes you feel happy, confident, and the most like you.
Journal (about all the good things)
Journaling is the perfect way to feel more present and at peace, when it is done the right way. I used to journal when I was stressed, anxious, sad or angry, but this only made me sit in these feelings rather than actually regulating them and coming to a solution. Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you change your mindset and outlook on your situation, plan your goals, practice gratitude and realize the immediate blessings you have in your life. Use this to your advantage!
Walks and bike rides
Feel the breeze in your hair. Nothing is more tranquil :)
Ambient baths
A bath with a carefully crafted ambience is absolutely chef's kiss. This is my favorite thing to do lately because I love to leave no stone unturned: a few candles, red wine or herbal tea, bath salts, Enya, and a face mask. I just sit in there and peacefully dissociate for about 30 to 45 minutes and I swear I come out a new soul. The aromatherapy alone in all of that is enough to put you into another time and space.
If it feels good, do it
As we have grown older, we sometimes forget that life can be fun, silly, and full of feel-good moments. Sing all day long, take a walk in the rain or snow, have a big glass of chocolate milk with breakfast, gently catch butterflies with a net, collect seashells, go barefoot outside, and give a dog a big bear hug. If it feels good, do it.
A few things I'm grateful for:
I have officially finished undergraduate school! I am so so proud of myself. This was an incredibly difficult semester, but I did it and I passed with flying colors :)
Time to sleep and take some much-needed rest
The world is my oyster :)
My cousin visited this last weekend and it brought me so much joy to see her. I love my extended family so much <3
"I don't think existence wants you to be serious. I have not seen a serious tree. I have not seen a serious bird. I have not seen a serious sunrise. I have not seen a serious starry night. It seems they are all laughing in their own ways, dancing in their own ways. We may not understand it, but there is a subtle feeling that the whole existence is a celebration." ♡
Psalm 139:14